Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Things that go BOO, Jet Lag and Sore Feet

... continuing on

Tuesday found us up bright and um ... earlier making our way to Madame Tussauds.  I haven't been there for well over 20 years *warning warning ... age awareness alert*.  The lines were INCREDIBLE - we were there by 9.30 and the queue was wrapping right around the domed building.  Luckily for us we had prepaid and went into the much quicker queue.  Oh my ...... the first room was sooooo full - can anyone say 'sardines'???  Brad & Ang were there, Miley Cyrus, Christina Aguilera (GEEZ she's tiny ... smaller than Kylie Minogue I'm sure .... but with really big boobs!).  Robert Pattison had his own room?!?!?  Had some great fun getting up close and pesonal with Princes William & Harry, Johnny Depp (drool, slobber) and Shrek (actually, think I may have gotten a little too close to Shrek ^^).  Bobbie DEFINATELY got way too friendly with Hugh Jackman as Wolverine and for the sake of tendy innocent eyes, we probably won't post that photo! 

There was a separate little display call 'Scream' ... they were adamant that anyone under 12 could not go in as it was apparently very scary.  Bobbie & I went in ... well, we are a little over 12 so the age limit was not really an issue.  Bob didn't realise there were real people in there (even though they were announcing it beforehand).  They were all acting as though they were in an asylum and would suddenly jump out to try and lift the terror level to code brown (you know ... where you have to change your underpants?).  The first guy got right up in our faces acting nutty so, I turned around and said 'I like 'em crazy' .... he followed us roughly halfway through the exhibit just constantly going 'ha ha ha'.  I just went into giggles.  Meanwhile shuffling in front of me, Bobbie has her head down and is hiding behind the young boys hoping the people don't notice her (and I believe she was wishing fervently that I would stop interacting with the crazies).  When we got out she said how scary it was ... I guess going on the Jack the Ripper Tour is out of the question for her!!!  I could not stop laughing.  The wax figures were brilliant - even saw a few that Madame Tussaud had done herself - incredible.  A brilliant 4D experience was the last thing through the building and the effects were stunning - think Movieworld but BETTER.  The 3D parts were so real and when Wolverine was stabbing into metal, you would get a jab in your back from the seat.  I would scream/giggle.  Bobbie wasn't so scared - poor wee poppet!

We stopped for a croissant and coffee on our way out - UGH ... worst croissant we've had - dry and lifeless.

We then made our way to the Tower Bridge where we got rejected because of our voucher - apparently the Wholesaler hadn't been paying them, so we were sent on our way.  We couldn't be bothered buying a ticket so walked across the bridge and decided to go to the Tower of London.  Stop for some traditional fish & chips ... and I had to have the special little box it came in.  At 8 pounds, it was expensive ... and then I accidentally knocked Bob's to the ground as she was about to put sauce on it.  5 minutes later, Bobbie was having a very expensive lunch as she refused to let me reimburse and purchased another box.  It wasn't that crash hot and when I got a bone in my mouth, that was it.  Fish bones and me don't gel.

Onto to Tower of London .... the crown jewels was very interesting, but by this stage ... jet lag was making Bobbie walk like a zombie and my feet had decided to swell and make me walk like I was swaying to a jazz beat all of my own.  It was very good though.  We were shattered afterwards and made our way back to the apartment where we rested for about an hour before going to meet one of my CIT course buddies for dinner.  Ash took us to The Elk in Fulham and ordered the Elk Platter ... cause all three of us were ready to eat a moose by that stage.  Loads of laughs and girly giggles made for a great night.  Apparently Ash found 'Scream' scary too *sigh* ... now who's going to go on the Jack the Ripper Tour with me huh?

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