Monday, June 20, 2011

Wakey Wakey Sleepy Head

Lisa checking in ............
So the plan was to meet up with some family today (Sunday). Didn't get to bed until after 12 (fairly sure Bobbie had her second wind and lasted a good deal longer than me) and woke promptly before 8am - there really is no way I can sleep in ... even with jetlag *sigh* It was sometime later that my spooning partner awoke ... groggily ..... crying out for coffee. By the time we had had breakfast, beautified ourselves and attempted some sort of organisation it was close to 11.30am. Wandered up and down the High Street here in Kensington for a while before meeting the lovely lovely Raili (Jari's cousin and my Raili's namesake).

Raili is an air steward with Air New Zealand and as luck would have it, her roster was clear this weekend so it was possible to catch up. Being as organised as we were ... we rattled off all the places we were keen to see with our own personal tour guide "um, dunno ... what do you think Raili?" :) It was fine though, she knew just what to do. So off we went in search of adventure and mayhem.

With Raili brandishing her scarf like a professional, we navigated the tube and found ourselves in Leicester Square where, while Raili search her clever little 'find a deal' iphone app, Bobbie and I contented ourselves with taking photos of ourselves (aka selfies). Photo bombing was a good giggle and when we get a cord to connect the camera we'll upload it .... classic. Had lunch in the Cafe Rouge which was very very nice, complete with frenchmen. Great value - two course meal for 8 pounds and Bobbie & Raili were very very appreciative of the wine on offer! So after our long leisurely 2 hour lunch, we were ready to move again.  Off through Soho, down Carnaby Street (Oh, the most DEVINE and quirky shoe shop there) and into one of Raili's fav perfume stores.  Note to self: Must get the name of that gorgeous rose perfume.  Earlier in Carnaby St Raili had recognised a doctor from one of the shows on TV - something about horrible medical stories that he fixes  .... sounds like an SBS show ;P  Later in the perfumery Bobbie was super excited to be standing next to him as he sniffed the tester bottles and using elegant sign language *cough* wondered whether it would be rude to tap him on the shoulder and say hey!  Verdict was ... if he crossed our path a third time it was a sign ...... there was no sign.   But hey, she stood next to him right?

Bit of a wander down Regent Street ... amazing buildings curving in one structure. Impressive.  Bobbie had found a like minded soul in Raili and we HAD to go into Zara ... I really must learn how to shop.  Went to Piccadilly Circus and found the majority of the tourists sitting ON the fountain looking like a bunch of locasts descended on a crop of corn but with the street music playing, cars and buses flashing by and lights flashing all around - it was a great atmosphere ... would love to see it at night.  Love seeing London with fresh eyes!

Then it was time to part company for our next date :)  Our nephew Cody & his gorgeous girlfriend Karlie recently moved to London so we had an appointment to meet them for dinner in Covent Garden at 7.00am.  Had to go home and freshen up a little after the days walking tour however unfortunately for us there was a lot of engineering works going on with the Underground which totally messed up our navigation skills to get us there in time.... ok, Bob takes a while to get ready ... which is probably why she always looks great.  I'm too lazy 'meh, this'll do'  Finally made it there at 8.15am OOPS

Had a great time though ... so proud of them both, great jobs, great attitude.  Cody sounded a little concerned about having dinner with the aunties as on his facebook status he said he was taking a hammer in case it all went south (literary license taken here on the wording ;P)  Didn't go south and Bobbie & I returned to our apartment exhausted but without hammer shaped dents in our skulls.  I promptly fell into bed ... and Bobbie stayed up - night owl that she is. 

Too knackered to continue with today's adventure ........... stay tuned xo

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